A few weeks ago I was talking to an individual who was really struggling at making good food choices. There were just too many tempting foods that he was falling victim too and it was effecting him reaching his health goals. Chances are there are a few things we know we should be doing better with our food choices. With the gentleman that I was working with all we did was put into place one strategy(which has served him well these last few weeks, he has dropped several pounds!!).
The strategy is simple: "Think before you eat". You may say well duh! But it amounts to this there are so many good tasting foods out there unless the food is going to benefit your body why put it in?? I can go down a pint of ice cream which will taste good but we all know there isn't any health benefit from that, in fact its likely I will put on some weight. However, I can go make a fruit smoothie where I can enjoy those nice fruit flavors and cold creamy texture and benefit my health with all those nutrients. Sure there maybe times where some of those not so healthy foods are worth it to me. I may decide to have a small piece of pie on my birthday or other very special occasions. It may be worth it to me, or it may not be. But being deliberate and analyzing each food item that you put into your body in this light may help you make some positive headway on your healthy eating goals.

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