To me personally there were a few things that really stood out: the visuals that they use to break through to get peoples attention. In episode one Jamie cooks up a families entire week worth of food so they can see just how much junk they are consuming in a week. Then in episode two he shows a group of school kids with their parents what their meals look like grand scale, bringing in a dump truck to drop off how much fat they are consuming. Its scary!
Just like any reality show there is drama in conflict of personalities. But at the end of the day you really just want to see Jamie succeed as he hits set back after set back.
Rubber meets the road: at the end of the day it leaves me wondering how much change will he really get made and will it be change that sticks after cameras are done rolling? If a year from now they are back right where they started how much good has it really done. All we can do is wait, watch and hope for the best. Jamie I am rooting for ya!
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