Do you know what is in the tap water you drink? There’s an easy way to find out. The Environmental Working Group analyzed water throughout the United States and identified 316 different contaminants. Many of these contaminants are not regulated by the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. The contaminants included heavy metals, pesticides, and industrial pollutants. Increased risk of cancer and other diseases is associated with exposure to these pollutants, so it’s important to know if you are being subjected to them. However, bottled water isn’t necessarily safer. EWG also analyzed 10 different bottled waters and found that many of them contained the same pollutants as tap water. The bottled water not only contained the pollutants, it also contained chemicals that had leached into the water from the plastic bottle. EWG suggests using water pitchers that contain carbon filters or getting a filter that attaches directly to your faucet. To find out how your city rates, visit
ewg.org/tap-waterSearch by zip code for results of water quality tests in your area.
photo credit: Flowery *L*u*z*a*
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