This past week I have really kicked up my workout to another level. And ofcourse I was sore from lactic acid build up and even more so from small micro tares that are normal in the breaking down and then rebuilding of muscle. BioFreeze has been my buddy this week. While usually I just try to increase the amount of stretching I do, this was a great topical pain reliever that offered me some short term relief. Basicly it allowed me to concentrate on other things than my sore muscles. BioFreeze is basiclly a more intense version of Icy Hot(if you have sensitive skin you may want to try just a little bit on one section of your skin to make sure you wont react to it). It is a little sticky and you will have that lovely menthol smell for a little while but over all its a really nice product. I just order the small individual packets while maybe not as environmentally friendly as getting it in a bottle it is so convinent for in you purse, pocket, or desk at work.
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