1. Avoid "junk food"! chips and soda may travel well but it's calories will travel with you a lot longer. Good alternatives bring snacks such as carrot sticks, celery sticks, cucumbers, and radishes.
2. When choosing a restaurant think about where you know you can get some nutrition not just a low calories meal; think fresh fruit and vegetables.
3. If you are eating with friends or family make the conversation and the company the center of attention not the meal. I am not saying that you should not be paying attention to what you are eating(you should be careful when putting food on your plate, focus on good foods and a portion control if only high calorie foods are available ). What I am saying is that if the conversations and the people are the focus you will eat slower, feel full sooner and not over eat.
4. If fast food is a must look up nutrition information before hand, know what you are taking in.
5. Plan activities that keep you moving. This trip we played Frisbee, went walking, and some even canoed!
6. Make sure that you are getting real exercise! Schedule it in, even if it is only 10-15 minutes here and there, getting some solid (pushing yourself) strength training as well as aerobic activity will help burn some extra calories and keep you on track to get right back on your normal routine when you return home.
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