My cheap blender, yes it would make fruit smoothies but there would invariably be chunks. Which in a fruit smoothie isn't the end of the world but when you are making a green smoothie with spinach you really don't want green chunks(the whole point is to get the greens with out tasting them!). The vita-mix takes care of that completely I've never had a green chunk and the smoothie is smooth.
The vita-mix can also blend things and get them smooth that a regular blender rarely if ever accomplishes. Ill blend nuts and use them as a thickener in a sauce (you would never know that's what i use because its never gritty). I blend tough vegetables into vegetable purees and soup bases. If I blend up a head of broccoli you would have no idea what it was with out tasting it because its so smooth.
Because of its high power it will actually heat up your soup if you leave it in there a few minutes. I make a very simple broccoli soup. Sometimes Ill steam the broccoli early or use left overs from the fridge. Ill leave it blending for a few minutes and the vita-mix will heat it back up.
The large capacity is helpful too. It certainly makes entertaining a lot easier, especially if I am trying to get a fruity desert out to all my guests quickly.
My only warning with the vita-mix is that its loud! be prepared to have your cat run every time you turn it on. Although usually you wont have it on but for a few seconds. It does its job quickly. Occasionally a piece of fruit will get stuck under the blade and not get blended but I find that's not even that common. It usually happens when I do not add much liquid to aid in the blending process.
One of my other draws to the vita-mix over other high powered blenders is that a friend of mine has a Vita-mix from the 70s and it still works, and well at that. It was easier to hand over the cash for it knowing that Its build to last and will be around for years to come.
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