Thursday, July 30, 2009
Video Health Tip Ep6 - SIDS
4 Tips to Avoid Weekend Weight Gain
Weekends can be a great time to get in some extra exercise, prepare healthy food for the week, and get some much needed relaxation time in. However depending on what is going on in your life it also can be a time of weight gain. The neighbors BBQ, the girls movie night(this can often turn into a junk food fest), and the birthday party that you just couldn't get out of; may not be easy on your waist line. Here are a few tactics to help you stay more conscious during the weekend:
Weigh in either Friday morning or Saturday morning depending on which day your weekend is officially going to start and know that you are going to do the same thing Monday morning. This will give you some extra accountability.
Plan on eating a light meal(lots of fruits and veggies) before you go over to an event. This way you will not be hungry and be tempted to eat a lot of those high calorie junk foods.
Offer to bring something specific; this can be a new healthy recipe, a salad or fruit tray. This will give you a healthy option and may start the next trend with your friends.
Plan events or activities that will involve movement or getting some extra exercise. A few ideas would be getting a group of people together for a afternoon hike or meeting at the community pool for a swim. If the heat has been really bad you may want to plan going to a rink to roller skate/blade.

Rancid Fish Oil
If you are taking fish oil have you checked to see if it is Rancid? Fish oil is sometimes taken for its source of Omega-3 fatty acids. However if the fish oil is rancid it may be doing your body harm instead of providing the health benefits you were seeking.
If the oil is bad you may notice that you are burping up a unpleasant odor. The easiest way to test is to cut open the capsule and take a smell and taste to make sure it is still fresh.
Storing the capsules in the fridge will help them keep but testing the capsules should be done every other week or so to prevent consumption of rancid oils.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
How to prepare Leeks
Monday, July 27, 2009
Product Review: Kashi - Autumn Wheat
I have to say, Autumn Wheat changed my perception on Kashi, it's got the right kind of crunchiness, the wheat don't break away like Kellogg's all bran does, and it's got a hint of sweetness in it. I was impressed. According to the food label, it's got 6g of fiber, 7g of sugar, 1g of fat and a total caleries at 190. Not bad at all. According to the ingredient, it's whole grain wheat, with a dash of cane juice. Afterall, it is a process food, but not bad if you got sick of oatmeal. It's a thumbs up for me!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Skip This: Olive Garden Manicotti Formaggio
46 g fat (25 g saturated fat) and a fluid retention level of 2,530 mg sodium.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Product Review: Boca VS Quorn Chicken Patties
160 calories
6 g fat (1 g saturated fat)
430 mg sodium
80 calories
2.5 g fat (0.5 g saturated fat)
420 mg sodium
Quorn wins! It manages to cut a few calories and less fat.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
YzFit Audio PodCast ep6 - Sitting and Mortality Rate
Skip This: Au Bon Pain Caprese Sandwich
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Video Health Tip Ep5 - Poison Ivy & Mangoes
YzFIT Ep5 - Poison Ivy & Mangoes from YzFIT on Vimeo.
Don't catch the beach bug
One the best thing about living in Florida is the beach, according to the American Journal of Epidemiology, they found that digging in the sand raised the risk of diarrhea by 44 percent in young children — those under the age of 11. And kids who were buried in the sand were 27 percent more likely to develop diarrhea than those who weren’t.
Contamination may come from storm sewer runoff or from the feces left by domestic and wild animals. Once the germs are there, the sand provides a very friendly environment for the bugs to replicate. For more information, check your local beach EPA report.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Cherries and Cholesterol
What is a VO2 Max test?
This is one test that I have performed numerous times. The participant hop on a treadmill, stationary bike or ergometer giving their maximum effort while wearing a mask that captures every breath. The machine analyzing the amount of oxygen consume, to determine the participant's heart health and how well their body process oxygen. If your score is under 18 ml/kg/min, talk to your doctor and trainer bout increasing the intensity of your workouts. The cost of a VO2 Max test is around $110 to $160. You can do the test at a physical therapy, rehab, or cardiopulmonary centers. unfortunately insurance providers will not cover it.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Carrots and Sight
What is a Cardiac CT angiography?
It measures your coronary artery calcium score, calculate how much plaque is piling up in your arteries. The lower the calcium score, the lower the risk. If you reach 112, your physician might recommend aspirin or statins. The cost of this procedure is $350 to $900. Most insurance companies will reimburse you if you've previously had an abnormal stress test or chest pain.
America's Best Hospitals
- Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore
- Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
- Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles
- Cleveland Clinic
- Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
- New York-Presbyterian University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell
- University of California, San Francisco Medical Center
- Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
- Barnes-Jewish Hospital/Washington University, St. Louis
- Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston
For a complete list, visit US NEWs. You can also search hospital by their specialty.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Vita-mix 4500 product review
My cheap blender, yes it would make fruit smoothies but there would invariably be chunks. Which in a fruit smoothie isn't the end of the world but when you are making a green smoothie with spinach you really don't want green chunks(the whole point is to get the greens with out tasting them!). The vita-mix takes care of that completely I've never had a green chunk and the smoothie is smooth.
The vita-mix can also blend things and get them smooth that a regular blender rarely if ever accomplishes. Ill blend nuts and use them as a thickener in a sauce (you would never know that's what i use because its never gritty). I blend tough vegetables into vegetable purees and soup bases. If I blend up a head of broccoli you would have no idea what it was with out tasting it because its so smooth.
Because of its high power it will actually heat up your soup if you leave it in there a few minutes. I make a very simple broccoli soup. Sometimes Ill steam the broccoli early or use left overs from the fridge. Ill leave it blending for a few minutes and the vita-mix will heat it back up.
The large capacity is helpful too. It certainly makes entertaining a lot easier, especially if I am trying to get a fruity desert out to all my guests quickly.
My only warning with the vita-mix is that its loud! be prepared to have your cat run every time you turn it on. Although usually you wont have it on but for a few seconds. It does its job quickly. Occasionally a piece of fruit will get stuck under the blade and not get blended but I find that's not even that common. It usually happens when I do not add much liquid to aid in the blending process.
One of my other draws to the vita-mix over other high powered blenders is that a friend of mine has a Vita-mix from the 70s and it still works, and well at that. It was easier to hand over the cash for it knowing that Its build to last and will be around for years to come.
Indoor Lightning Injuries?
Yup, it is not a typo. Central Florida is the lightning capital of the world, just recently we've had half a dozen people who were struck by lightning in the same week. Most people know about staying indoor and avoid hiding a tree, but lightning can still get you indoor. On average, about 50 people are killed by lightning in the United States each year, according to the National Weather Service. So how do you protect yourself at home? Don't talk on the landline phone, stop playing hardwire video games and unplug your computer.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Pillows and your health
When was the last time you purchased a new pillow? If you had to think about it, then it's time! Apart from your drool stains, you'll find bacteria, mites thrive in that warm humid environment. When you get your new pillow, it might be a good idea to invest in good pillow protectors, that way your brand new pillow will last longer. Do you have a favorite pillow? Tell us about it!
Unlikely Health Tips
Watch CBS Videos Online
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Choosing Collard Greens
Ginger, Herb water?
Herbs - Mint, lemongrass can be added to your water as well, you can crush it first, then add water, that will help release the aroma.
Iron Absorption and Tea
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
How to Choose Kale
Understanding Body Odor
Typically the the eccrine excretion has no smell in contrast to the apocrine excretion which has a distinctive odor when broken down by the bacteria that live on the skin.
External factors that can effect body odor include: alcohol, garlic, onions. Some people develop a defect in their ability to properly use a substance called trimethylamine which is found in foods high choline such as eggs, fish, liver and legumes. When this takes place the skin will have a fishy odor after such foods are eaten. Eliminating them from the diet will solve the smelly problem.
Some studies indicate that an increase in the intake of zinc and magnesium can help eliminate unpleasant odors. Good food sources for magnesium include: brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, seseme seeds, pine nuts, cashews, soybeans, hazelnuts, walnuts, and shreaded wheat. Good sources of zinc include: wheat germ, poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, cashews, seseme seeds, pecans, nori seaweed, and all bran.
Olive Oil - External use
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
How to Cut a Mango
Product Review: Roomba 500 series
One of the down side of being allergic to dust is that I must clean often, especially we have carpet. Let me tell you this, the Roomba WILL NOT replace regular vacuuming, you will still need to use your upright. However, the Roomba will reduce your vacuuming frequency. With 2 dogs in the house, I run the Roomba once a day, it learned my 2300 sqft home terrain and not miss a spot. Very impressive. I get a full bucket load EVERY DAY. Clean up is not bad either. With the addition of the Roomba, my house is able to cut down to Vacuuming only once a week with our Dyson. Not bad at all.
Here's a video of my Roomba in action, also my dogs are featured.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Whole Wheat Apple Cinnamon Bread Recipe
2/3cup applesauce
1 cup almond milk (I use almond breeze the original, and I have used soy milk and its turned out great. I suspect it would be fine with regular milk too)
2.5 cups whole wheat flour
1tsp cinnamon
2tbsp brown sugar
1tsp salt
1tbs Earth Balance (smart balance or what ever healthy butter substitute you use will suffice)
1.5 tsp dry yeast
Optional- Apple chunks. I will take half an apple or one apple depending on the apple's size and dice and put in bread machine with all the other ingredients.
machine note-Dump all the ingredients in, I never worry about what goes in first and start the machine on its regular mode. I would NOT suggest using this one on a delayed timer or rapid cycle.
photo credit: nessguide
Do you really know how to peel a Banana?
Product Review: 3M Filtrete
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Power Smoothie, Boost your Immune System
One of the simplest and most enjoyable beverages can also be very good for you (if you are putting in the right things) and a very enjoyable summer treat. The benefit of blending is that you get the whole food; all the fiber and nutrients in a broken down form. Because of being broken down it makes it easy for the body to finish breaking it down and for the body to absorb all the nutrients.
There are many different ways you can make a smoothie, but ill share with you what I put in mine. This simple smoothie is low in calories and high in nutrients, great for boosting the immune system and help eliminating some extra calories if replacing a meal.
2 cups mixed frozen fruit (I usually buy a mixed bag, warning- Black Berries & Raspberries have seeds and will make it gritty)
1 Ripe Banana (the more brown spots the better, this makes it sweeter)
2 Handfuls of spinach fresh or frozen
Water to blend or sometimes Almond milk (water keeps it even lower in calories)
The reason for the spinach is to increase the amount of nutrients I am consuming and I find it keeps me from being hungry longer. Because of the nice ripe banana you can't taste the spinach although it does make it a funky color. If color bothers you put a lid on it and you wont even notice =) If your blender is not amazing place the spinach and water in first to blend then add the fruit. Fruit chunks are fine, but who wants green chunks! If you are going to be making a lot of smoothies you may want to invest in a high powered blender such as a Vita-mix, BlendTec, or some other industrial blender. I've found it to be totally worth the investment!
Pancreatic Cancer and Animal Fat
This week I came across an research article that has come out from the U.S. National Cancer Institute on the strong association between increased animal fat and dairy products with pancreatic cancer. I have seen the devastation this disease can bring first hand when I lost my grandfather almost 2 years ago(its the fourth-leading cause of cancer death in the US). Health Day stated, "Men who consumed the most fat from animal sources had a 53 percent increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer and women had a 23 percent increased risk, compared with men and women who ate the least fat." Above and beyond that they noted that an increased level of saturated fat increased risk of pancreatic cancer by 36%.
The Journal of the American Medical Association has toted that being over weight in your 30s was associated with a 60 percent increased risk for pancreatic cancer, and being obese was associated with a twofold to threefold higher risk.
In short, you may want to evaluate the amount of meat and dairy you consume(remembering that 2% milk is actually 35% fat) Make sure you are getting lots of fresh vegetables and fruit which are so important to maintaining a healthy weight and disease prevention.

Friday, July 10, 2009
Mental Acuity, Keep the Thinker working and Avoid Alzheimer’s
1. Control your stress, stress makes it difficult to remember things and to create memory files for new information.
2. Get your sleep! A habitual loss of 1-2 hours of sleep per night can impare brain function.
3. lower if high or maintain your blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose(blood sugars) in a healthy range
4. Keep your mind active through reading, word games such as crosswords or sudoku, staying up on current events, and engaging in conversations with the sharing of ideas.
5. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise!!
6. Maintain and grow healthy interpersonal relationships. This keeps the mind occupied in a healthy way.
7. Maintaining a healthy weight and getting a variety of vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, omega-3 rich nuts and seeds.
A few other factors which can cause memory problems are ongoing depression, use of certain prescription drugs, chronic pain, and a deficiency of vitamin B12 in the elderly.
Product Review: "All" Free and Clear Liquid Detergent
So ever since then, my home have changed quite a bit to accommodate my life threatening allergic reaction. One of the biggest change was laundry detergent. Thanks to my wife, she did her research and was able to find a detergent that will not trigger an attack for me. This detergent have no smell, it's gentle for the skin and does not aggravate my skin. Thumbs up!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Spice it up with Oregano and benefit your health!
The Power of Fennel
Fennel is a great source of calcium, dietary fiber, potassium and manganese while adding a crunchy and slightly sweet flavor.
How to choose fennel
Select fennel with firm, crisp, pale bulbs with feathery fresh leaves. Refrigerate and use within 4-5 days.